POOOL Tech EMBA Scholarship Winner Shares Insights

In 2022, Perrine was selected for the Rennes School of Business EMBA Scholarship offered to members of Le Poool Tech.  Having exemplified the drive and motivation of a tech entrepreneur who was ready to invest fully into herself and her company OCHY, she undertook the 19-month programme with genuine energy, optimism and resourcefulness.  We took a moment to ask her a few questions about the programme.  Here is what she had to say…

Perrine CHAPOT

Co-fondatrice, OCHY
EMBA Promo 28

What key EMBA experiences were most valuable to you?

It provided deep insights into various aspects of business management.  Also the networking opportunities with diverse professionals as well as exposure to real-world case studies.  These things enhanced my strategic thinking. Additionally, the leadership development sessions were instrumental in refining my leadership skills and boosting my confidence in making complex business decisions. Before I joined the EMBA program, it was hard for me to even speak in public and express my opinions on specific subjects. Now, 18 months later, it’s becoming something natural.

How has the EMBA changed you as a business leader? Innovator?

The EMBA has significantly transformed me as a business leader by sharpening my strategic vision and enhancing my ability to lead teams effectively within my organization. In 2022, we had 3 people in my company.  Today we have 10. The programme encouraged a mindset of continuous improvement and agility, which is crucial for staying ahead in the fast-paced tech industry.

Has the EMBA improved your business in any way?

Yes, the EMBA has positively impacted my business. It has equipped me with advanced management techniques and strategic insights that I have applied to streamline operations, optimize resource allocation, and enhance our market positioning.

Why would an EMBA programme make sense for a tech entrepreneur? Would you recommend it?

An EMBA program makes perfect sense for a tech entrepreneur as it provides a solid foundation in business management principles while addressing the unique challenges faced by tech companies. It bridges the gap between technical expertise and business insight, enabling tech entrepreneurs to scale their ventures effectively. I would highly recommend an EMBA to tech entrepreneurs looking to enhance their leadership capabilities, strategic thinking, and networking opportunities.

How did the POOOL organisation play a role in your EMBA experience?

The Poool played an important role in my EMBA experience by providing access to a community of entrepreneurs and innovators. Their connections with industry experts, offering mentorship opportunities, and organizing events that fostered collaboration and knowledge sharing was a great opportunity. The Poool’s resources and network significantly enriched my learning experience and contributed to the practical application of my EMBA insights.

From a woman’s point of view, is an EMBA a game-changer?

From a woman’s perspective, an EMBA is indeed a game-changer. It empowers women with the knowledge, skills, and especially confidence needed to excel in leadership roles. The programme promotes diversity and inclusion, encouraging women to break through the glass ceiling and assume positions of influence in the business world. The EMBA experience also provides a supportive network of peers and mentors who inspire and guide women to achieve their full potential. In 2022, I was scared to speak in front of 5 people but since my EMBA, I’ve confidently spoken in front of an audience during the CES in Las Vegas, at Vivatech in Paris and for 300 business owners at the Medef35. Practice makes perfect !

What other insights about the EMBA can you leave us with?

My EMBA experience has been transformative, both personally and professionally. It has provided me with a holistic view of business management and instilled a growth mindset that encourages continuous learning and adaptation. The friendships and professional connections I have made during the program are invaluable, and I am grateful for the support and guidance from my peers, professors, and the broader EMBA community. The programme has not only enhanced my leadership skills but also inspired me to drive meaningful change within my organization and the industry at large.


Thanks RSB and Le Poool for the opportunity

More information about our Executive MBA by clicking on this link